French Private High School Cover Letter Sample (French Free Example)

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Why Study at a Prestigious French High School?

A high school diploma is an important step on the path to a successful future. In France, there are many excellent high schools to choose from. If you want to attend a good university, it's important to attend a high school that will give you the best chance of being accepted.

When you attend a prestigious high school, you'll have the opportunity to meet other ambitious and talented students. These connections can be valuable later in life, whether you stay in touch with your classmates or not. Additionally, the connections you make at a prestigious high school can help you get internships and jobs after graduation.

Of course, one of the main reasons to attend any high school is to receive an excellent education. When you attend a prestigious high school, you can be sure that you're getting an education that is second-to-none. The teachers at these schools are often the best in their field and are passionate about teaching their students.

In France, students are required to write a cover letter to apply. Below are some tips on how to write a cover letter and a sample letter to adapt.

Everything You Need to Know About Writing a French CV (Including Tips and a Free Template)

How to Write a Cover Letter for a French Private School?

The cover letter is an important part of the application process for a French private school. It should be concise and well-written, and it should highlight your skills and achievements. Here are some tips for writing a cover letter for a French private school.

  1. Start by research the specific school you are applying to
  2. Address the letter to the Admissions Committee
  3. In the first paragraph, introduce yourself and explain why you’re interested in attending the school
  4. In the second paragraph, discuss your academic achievements and how they make you a good fit for the school
  5. In the third paragraph, describe your extracurricular activities and how they have helped you grow as a person
  6. Conclusion: Reiterate your interest in attending the school and thank the Admissions Committee for their time and consideration

In summary:

A cover letter is an important part of any application packet, as it allows you to introduce yourself and sell your experience and qualifications to the school. When writing a cover letter for a French private school, be sure to address the letter correctly, keep it under one page, and proofread it thoroughly before submission.

We Also Suggest our Sample Cover Letter for Studying at La Sorbonne (Paris, France)

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Letter of Motivation to Study Arts in a French University

"Exemple de lettre de motivation pour étudier dans une école privée française"

Monsieur le Directeur,

La réputation de votre établissement et la qualité de son enseignement m’incitent à vous proposer mon inscription pour la prochaine rentrée scolaire.

Actuellement en classe de [classe] au collège [nom, ville, pays], je souhaite pour la poursuite de mes études intégrer une classe de seconde générale option mathématiques d’un établissement performant tel que le vôtre.

J’ai toujours obtenu d’excellents résultats scolaires dans l’école publique. Je me distingue surtout dans les matières scientifiques et notamment en algèbre. Je souhaite exploiter pleinement mes capacités auprès des meilleurs professeurs en vue d’obtenir un baccalauréat scientifique avec mention très bien.

Studieux, déterminé et très assidu, je suis toujours très impliqué dans la vie de l’établissement et les activités extrascolaires.

Je serais très honoré de vous rencontrer pour développer mes motivations et vous apporter de plus amples renseignements.

Dans l’espoir d’une réponse favorable à ma démarche, je vous prie de croire, Monsieur le Directeur, en l’expression de mes respectueuses salutations.

Special thanks to :


Dear Name,

The reputation of your school and the quality of its teaching encourage me to propose my enrolment for the next school year.

I am currently in [class] at the [name, town, country] secondary school and would like to continue my studies in a general secondary school with a mathematics option in an excellent school such as yours.

I have always obtained excellent academic results in public school. I am particularly good in scientific subjects, especially algebra. I would like to make full use of my abilities with the best teachers in order to obtain a scientific baccalaureate with honours.

I am studious, determined and very diligent, and I am always very involved in school life and extracurricular activities.

I would be very honoured to meet with you to discuss my motivations and provide you with more information.

Yours Sincerely,

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