Reference Letter for an Internship: Free Example for a Valued Student & Graduate

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How to Write a Strong Recommendation Letter for an Internship Position?

A letter of recommendation is important because it’s one way that potential employers can get to know an intern or trainee before they have even met them. It can also provide an employer with insight into an intern's qualifications, character, work ethic, and how they might perform in a professional setting.

Furthermore, if the letter is written by someone in the intern's chosen field or university department, it can demonstrate that the individual has strong industry ties and mentorships already in place before beginning their internship. A good letter of recommendation also gives insight into how the intern operates on a day-to-day basis—how they think, act, and solve problems. This information can be used to assess how well an applicant will fit into the company culture and their ability to quickly learn new skills.

Additionally, a reference letter supplies a picture of who the candidate is beyond resumes and transcripts: their goals, ambitions, character traits, strengths, and weaknesses. As such, it does selecting a suitable trainee much easier for everyone involved. Therefore, anyone seeking an internship should take every step necessary to secure strong letters of recommendation from knowledgeable sources as part of their application package.

Tips for Writing a Useful Reference Letter for an Internship Application

When writing a letter of recommendation, it’s important to keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Make sure to personalize the letter and address it to the specific internship or training program for which the intern is applying. Generic letters aren’t as impactful as those that are tailored to the specific position.
  2. Be positive and honest in your assessment of the intern. If you can’t write a positive reference letter, it’s better to decline than to provide a lukewarm or negative assessment.
  3. Highlight specific examples of the intern's strengths and achievements. This will give the employer a sense of what the trainee is capable of and how they might perform in the role.
  4. Keep it brief! Letters of recommendation should be 1-2 paragraphs long. Any longer and the employer will likely lose interest.

In summary:

A well-written letter of recommendation can make all the difference when an intern or trainee is applying for a new position. By following the tips above, you can be sure to write a positive, impactful letter that will help your trainee or your student get their foot in the door.

We also have a sample letter of recommendation for a Master of Business Administration

Easy to Adapt Templates for Any Traineeship and Work Placement

To whom it may concern:

I believe Dona Pincio deserves strong consideration for the internship program at [name].

Dona is a hardworking, enthusiastic and active student, always putting her best efforts into her work.

She consistently produces a high standard of work and is among the best students in her class, with above average grades.

Dona's ability to effectively manage her time has lead to her projects always being completed on time and as always, to a high standard.

I am proud to say that Dona would be the idea candidate for your internship program. She will make a productive, trustworthy intern.

Yours truly,


Dear (Sir, Madame, Mr. Name, Mrs. Name, Miss Name),

It is with great pleasure that I recommend _______ for an internship with your esteemed organization.

As the recent graduate of our college program, _______ has proven to be an exemplary student with a passion for learning and an eagerness to explore opportunities within their chosen field.

During their time in our program, they demonstrated superior mastery of subjects like programming and software design, working diligently towards the completion of challenging projects. He never backed away from tackling difficult issues while using their knowledge to research concepts and develop solutions.

His creativity and dedication earned them numerous awards, as well as recognition from esteemed members of our faculty. In addition to him skill, they displayed proficiency in collaborating with peers, forming positive relationships and leading other students effectively.

It's my hope that you'll find _______’s commitment to learning unsurpassed among other candidates you may consider for this position – I have no doubt that your organization would benefit immensely from having them onboard as an intern.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions about this recommendation or require further information on _____'s qualifications or suitability for the internship role.

Thank you for your time!



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